40 Wedding Dresses That Confused the Guests
This article appeared in notfries.com and has been published here with permission.
Lettuce Celebrate Our Love
This unusual wedding dress came about thanks to a competition to get married by Taco Bell in Las Vegas. Yes, you did read that right. Diane Nguyen (also the name of Bojack Horseman's BFF) made this pretty impressive wedding dress out of old burrito wrappers. In her post to enter the contest, Nguyen pulled out a couple of puns, saying, "It's time to spill the beans [...] Our love for each other is as cheesy as a quesadilla."
Number One Fan
This dress doesn't exactly look like a traditional wedding gown, but it was perfect for the soccer-mad couple tying the knot. Both the bride and groom for this British wedding were huge fans of soccer team Manchester City. In preparation for the big day, the bride-to-be spent six nights a week at the sewing machine, stitching together her fiancé's old shirts. After their ceremony, this pair skipped the reception and went to watch their favorite team play a match.