These 30+ Historical Events Never Actually Happened...
This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.
History is full of fascinating stories, but not all of them are true! In fact, some common historical events are a downright farce, as it turns out! From Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake” comment to the tale of the very first Thanksgiving, some events we’ve heard about never actually happened the way we think they did. Let’s look at some of the most interesting historical myths passed down but didn’t really happen as we uncover the truth behind these famous stories.
Van Gogh’s Ear
So many people think that Vincent Van Gogh cut off his whole ear and sent it to his lover, but that's not entirely true. He only cut off the bottom of his ear lobe. This story just adds to the idea of Van Gogh as a tortured artist.
Historians think that Van Gogh might have cut off part of his ear after a fight with his friend and fellow artist, Paul Gaugin, or because he was upset about his brother's engagement. Whatever it was, it's important to know he didn't cut off his whole ear.