These 30+ Historical Events Never Actually Happened...

This article appeared in and has been published here with permission.

History is full of fascinating stories, but not all of them are true! In fact, some common historical events are a downright farce, as it turns out! From Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake” comment to the tale of the very first Thanksgiving, some events we’ve heard about never actually happened the way we think they did. Let’s look at some of the most interesting historical myths passed down but didn’t really happen as we uncover the truth behind these famous stories.

Van Gogh’s Ear

So many people think that Vincent Van Gogh cut off his whole ear and sent it to his lover, but that's not entirely true. He only cut off the bottom of his ear lobe. This story just adds to the idea of Van Gogh as a tortured artist.

Van Gogh’s Ear

Historians think that Van Gogh might have cut off part of his ear after a fight with his friend and fellow artist, Paul Gaugin, or because he was upset about his brother's engagement. Whatever it was, it's important to know he didn't cut off his whole ear.

The Salem Witch Trials

It is a common belief that witches were burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 and then again in 1693. But this is simply not true, and no women were harmed by the fire.

The Salem Witch Trials

What really happened is that 19 people were hanged, with one being crushed by rocks. The idea of burning witches probably comes from Europe, where witch burnings happened during a period of witch hysteria between the 15th and 18th centuries.

Did Romulus Really Found Rome?

According to legend, Rome was named after a man called Romulus, who, along with his twin brother Remus, was raised by wolves. Their father was Mars, God of war, and Romulus went on to vainly name the city after himself.

Did Romulus Really Found Rome?

But historian Theodore Mommsen has put the record straight. He told The New York Times that this is impossible as Romulus and Remus likely never existed and most definitely weren't raised by wolves. It seems it was just another myth passed down over the centuries.

The Creation of the American Flag

Many believe that Betsy Ross was the first to sew the American flag, but this is likely just a myth. And while she sewed some flags, the story that she made the very first American flag came from her grandson 100 years later.

The Creation of the American Flag

Although it's a great story, there is no real evidence to support his claim, and no newspapers, letters, or historical documents mention her sewing that first flag. Now that we know it wasn't her, we would love to know who did.