30+ Creepy Historic Facts That Are Keeping Us Up At Night
This article appeared in thefashionball.com and has been published here with permission.
Sometimes, the most fascinating parts of history happen to be the creepiest, too. These are the facts that you'll never be able to forget — and can recall instantly when asked. If you’re feeling brave, read on. These facts will give you something to think about in the dead of night when you can't sleep any better than we can.
A Room With a View
It's a well-known fact that young children thrive in fresh air. It's why there are so many playgrounds and parks in cities - and a drive to make sure kids get out to play. However, in crowded cities with closet-like living spaces and busy parents, people had to make do with the fresh air they had.
For example, in 1930s London, some families utilized what essentially amounts to a cage attached to a window to give their youngsters some air and sunshine. The photos from this era are truly shocking.