30+ Celebrities Who Said Goodbye to Stereotypes and Are Proud of Their Bodies
This article appeared in vibeforest.com and has been published here with permission.
Only a minimal range of body types was accepted in Hollywood for a long time. These days, though, Tinseltown has become a lot more diverse in its beauty standards. That’s not to say that there isn’t more work to do, but progress has definitely been made. However, these celebs have always been proud of their bodies — with or without the media’s approval.

Sam Smith
Sam Smith's body image journey has been a very public one. The singer expressed, "In the past, if I have ever done a photoshoot with so much as a t-shirt on, I have starved myself for weeks in advance and then picked and prodded at every picture and then normally taken the picture down."

He continued, "Yesterday I decided to fight the [...] back. Reclaim my body and stop trying to change this chest and these hips and these curves that my mum and dad made and love so unconditionally."