45+ Stories About People Who Called Off Their Wedding Last Minute That We Still Can't Believe Happened

This article appeared in thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.

A wedding can be one of the most glorious and joyous times of a person's life. After all, you're walking down the aisle with the person you love the most! But for others, it can be a horror story! This is especially true if you're someone who has been left at the altar. No matter how long before the actual day is, getting left or separating from the person you thought you'd be with forever can be heartbreaking. Here are some stories about people who called off their wedding last minute that we still can't believe happened.

Just Say No

No matter how much pre-wedding planning or counseling a couple does, the truth is that sometimes they get to the end of that aisle and realize what they're doing doesn't make sense to them. This may suck for the other person, but at least they found out before the marriage was completely set in stone.

Just Say No

That being said, this guy could have probably saved this girl from heartache and financial debt if he had just spoken his mind before this.


When you get married, one of the traditions is to go out and celebrate your last day of being single. Many people do this by hitting a club, which is entirely acceptable unless you do it like this woman did.


The fact that she didn't wake up on her day should be a clear sign that maybe this wasn't her day. After all, if it were that important, even if she were passed out, she would have figured out a way to get there.

Raise Your Hand

There are a lot of questions that we have about this story. The first is why this teacher would invite her whole 4th-grade class? That seems a little odd and a setup for some potential failure and conflict of interest.

Raise Your Hand

The second is how she made it almost entirely up the aisle before she realized that this was not the place for her to be. This just seems like poor planning!

Woke Up With the Answer

If you've had a couple of years of struggling with deciding if you want to get married, then the answer is probably no. Why would someone go through all this struggle when the answer was staring them right in the face?

Woke Up With the Answer

Especially if you wound up becoming a priest, he definitely had no urge to commit to a relationship in this manner.